Christian brothers

一个弟兄是一个人,他决定加入一群和他有相同目标的人,把自己奉献给上帝和教会. 当一个修士加入一个修会时,他要立下贫穷、独身和服从的誓言. 通过这样做,他是一个有誓言的平信徒,为了教会的使命而被召入兄弟会.

一个弟兄是一个人,他决定加入一群和他有相同目标的人,把自己奉献给上帝和教会. 当一个修士加入一个修会时,他要立下贫穷、独身和服从的誓言. 通过这样做,他是一个有誓言的平信徒,为了教会的使命而被召入兄弟会.There are many different groups of Brothers in the United States. Right here, in Bergen County, 有许多不同的教会:在帕拉默斯天主教男子高中任教的基督教学校兄弟会, the Xaverian Brothers teach at St. Joseph’s, in Montvale, 和基督教兄弟会在太阳成集团官网高中任教.

但在美国,兄弟会做的不仅仅是教学. Some serve in hospitals, orphanages, AIDS patients or Social Services. The common denominator for all Brothers, however, is that they serve the people of God wherever they are found.
修士不同于神父,因为他既不在教区服务,也不接受圣秩圣事. A Brother is not a “cleric”, 而是被教会认为是“俗人”,因为他不接受圣秩.

太阳成集团官网高中服务的基督教兄弟会是一个省的一部分. A Province usually serves a special area. For example, 太阳成集团官网所在的省被称为美国东部省. 从这里你可以看出,它服务于美国东部. In this Eastern American Province there are a number of communities, or places where Brothers live and work. In this province we have many communities of Brothers. These communities are located in the following areas: Rhode Island – 1; Massachusetts – 1; New York – 17; New Jersey – 1; Florida – 4; and Peru – 5. 你可能会问自己:秘鲁不是美国东部的一部分, so why are the Brothers there? A number of years ago the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, 要求所有修会(男女修会)派遣其社区成员到世界各地的传教地区. 太阳成集团官网认为有必要让兄弟会在秘鲁存在,并自1967年以来一直在该国工作. 目前有350个基督教兄弟团体在世界各地13个不同的省份工作,在以下国家的不同事工中工作:阿根廷, Australia, Canada, Cook Islands, England, Fiji Islands, Gambia, India, Ireland, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Coast, Liberia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Republic of South America, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, United States, Uruguay, West Indies and Zambia.

In 1954, The Most Reverend Thomas A. Boland, STD, DD, Archbishop of Newark, 邀请基督教兄弟会进入这个大主教管区开办太阳成集团官网会.

The Congregation of Christian Brothers was founded in Ireland in 1802, although the work of education was started by Edmund, and his associates, in the latter part of the 18th century.



埃德蒙接受了大多数天主教徒无法接受的教育. 埃德蒙先是上了一所“对冲学校”——这是一所由旅行教师为有能力支付学费的家长设立的非法营利性学校——后来又去了基尔肯尼的一所商业学院.

Here he received a business and classical education. This background would be extremely helpful to him, 不仅在他的商人职业生涯中,而且在他未来作为贫困男孩学校的创始人的角色中.


Then came the cross. 马利亚死于难产,而她的女儿,也叫马利亚,早产了. 年轻的玛丽身体非常虚弱,余生都需要护理. Years afterward, 埃德蒙把这段时期称为“痛苦和不幸的渣滓”,” but he added, “God gives and God takes away, so blessed be God’s name forever.


Finally, in 1802, after much thought, prayer and advice, 他勇敢地迈出了实现崇高抱负的第一步, convinced that this was God’s will for him. Having provided for his teenage daughter, 他卖掉了他的生意,决心用他积累的财富为贫困男孩提供天主教教育. 他在时髦的新街租了一间闲置的马厩,开办了他的第一所学校. 在这样做的过程中,他冒着名誉受损的风险,追求良好、理智和实际的商业交易. 他激起了新街上较富有的居民的仇恨,他们眼看着自己的街道和房子因每天从邻近城墙外涌入的肮脏和可怕的东西而贬值.


Edmund died on August 29, 1844. 他慷慨解囊,他的一位密友为他支付了葬礼费用,以表示对埃德蒙的友谊和敬意. A journalist who attended the funeral summed up his feelings thus:


O God, we thank you for the life of Edmund Rice. 他向基督敞开心扉,与那些受贫穷和不公压迫的人同在. May we follow his example of faith and generosity. 赐给太阳成集团官网埃德蒙的勇气和同情心,让太阳成集团官网在爱和服务中生活. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Heavenly Father, 因为你圣灵的默示和你对家庭的爱, You chose Edmund Rice to be a husband, father, and religious brother; to work with the poor, to teach the uneducated; to help those in suffering; to comfort the sick and to establish new families of Religious Brothers in your Church. Look favorably on his life, we ask you and if it by for your glory, hear our prayers that he may soon be declared a Saint. This we ask, as we ask all our prayers, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


Lord God, 他借着圣灵感动埃德蒙·赖斯,以他真正基督徒的生活来荣耀你, 通过他的代祷,准许我现在提出的请求(…),从而加速他的名字在你的圣徒中得到荣耀的那一天. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.